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The Structure of Degenerative Diseases
Dr. Mick Hall
As we now know, if we don’t correct the reasons why we keep developing degenerative disease, all the greatest treatments throughout the world will only continue to keep us locked into the “Game of Illness:” the greatest money-making scam in history. The real solution isn’t more and better treatments. It’s the understanding of how we’re creating these diseases in the first place. When we understand how we’re creating the problem, then, it’s only common sense that we discontinue being the cause for these problems. In other words, the starting point for healing needs to be to stop hitting your thumb with the hammer. It doesn’t matter how great your treatments may be, true healing can only begin when you stop the damage responsible for the problem that is being created.
Every degenerative disease has a small handful of causal factors:
1. Emotional trauma: From a current event (within one year), or from a long-term memory (back to childhood or even back to the womb), or from a DNA recording of the memory of a traumatic experience from a parent, grandparent, or great grandparent, this is a causal factor in every degenerative condition.
2. Reduced neurological communication: Every human disease begins as a loss of energy: either in a targeted area, or as the result of low energy throughout the entire body. This loss of energy usually begins by a breakdown in the delivery of communication from the brain to specific areas of the body. It usually begins with the pivot of the cranium on the spinal column. The most common cause for this pivot is an assisted birth. The natural method for birthing a human baby is for the mother to squat. In this manner, the weight of the baby’s body greatly assists in the birthing process, beginning by dilating the mother. When a mother’s water breaks, it should be a very short period of time and with very few contractions until the baby is delivered when the mother is squatting. When lying on her back upon a modern birthing table, each contraction must lift the weight of the baby’s body as well as attempting to dilate the mother. It’s no wonder most hospital births must be assisted. In most cases, it is this assisting that pivots a baby’s cranium. Besides an assisted birth, during the first year of life, as a baby is learning to walk, there are many times of falling as well as bumping the head on tables and other objects. This can also pivot the cranium. When the cranium gets pivoted, round muscles in the neck will tighten to prevent further damage or pivoting. In time these tight muscles will remain in a constant state of spasm. The primary muscle spasms can then activate additional round muscles along the spine to go into spasm. This cascading effect will continue for a lifetime. By the time a person reaches seventy years of age, you will even find round muscles in the calves of the leg in spasm. Every long-term muscle spasm has the tendency of not only distorting the structure of the body but also reducing nerve flow to specific areas of the body, allowing weakness, and a starting place for a health disorder.
3. Nutritional deficiencies: Minerals are the fundamental regulators of function throughout the body. We often hear of the importance of Vitamins for our better health, but for every vitamin there is an associated mineral that regulates the function of the vitamin. Without the regulating mineral, the vitamin is basically useless. Decades ago, it was discovered that our farming soils were lacking specific minerals, due to modern farming practices. These incorrect practices continue to leave farming soils mineral deficient, forcing us to continue supplementing our diets to make up for the deficiencies of specific minerals, especially magnesium, copper, and the trace minerals. Because of the over-processing of most food items in modern grocery stores, it becomes necessary to also supplement our diets with food concentrates. In other words, the vital nutrients that food manufacturers take out of our foods to give them longer shelf life, are the essential nutrients we must supplement our diets with to remain healthy. Also, since the human body doesn’t produce its own vitamin C, it is essential that we consume foods that are rich in this vital nutrient. Unfortunately, most people try to supplement their diets with the synthetic chemical form of vitamin C called Ascorbic Acid. This is only one component of the complete vitamin C complex, and to use this form of vitamin C as a daily supplement ends up causing much more harm than good.
4. Sweet destruction: For most of the past hundred years we were told that carbohydrates were needed to fuel our bodies. Yet, as we now know, it is the huge volumes of carbohydrates being consumed, especially refined, white sugar, that is responsible for our fungal issues, diabetes, cancer, and the complicating of so many other health disorders humans suffer from.
5. The Ten Building Blocks of Disease
1. Toxic metals, 2. Chemicals, 3. Dead tissue cells, 4. Unusable food residues, 5. Mucus, 6. Acid waste, 7. Oxidized arterial plaque, 8. Radiation, 9. Bio-unavailable calcium, 10. Parasite waste.
1. Toxic Metals: Through a hair analysis we see various toxic metals we have accumulated over a lifetime from the environment. There are many studies that reveal the negative symptoms caused by the presence of lead, aluminum, toxic copper (from copper plumbing), mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and other toxic metals.
2. Chemicals: Besides the common use of pesticides used in growing most of the food being sold in our country, food manufacturers add thousands of highly toxic chemicals into all processed foods. The top 12 “poisons to the human body” being added to processed food are: food dyes, High-fructose corn syrup, Sodium Nitrite & Sodium Nitrate, Potassium Bromate, Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) & Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), Propyl Paraben, Azodicarbonamide (ADA), Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Artificial Sweeteners, Carrageenan, Titanium Dioxide, and Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO). Each of these poisons cause serious damage to the human body, especially as they accumulate and stagnate. Almost every one of these is also a carcinogenic substance: one very real reason for the extreme number of cancer cases.
3. & 4. Dead Tissue Cells and Unusable Food Residues: When a person gets beyond 45 years of age, the body’s ability to produce sufficient energy is greatly diminished. So much so, that there isn’t enough energy to properly digest the food that is consumed. Therefore, there is a tendency for much of this food to putrefy, and to accumulate in the colon, along with the billions of dead tissue cells constantly being deposited for elimination. This putrefying tissue and food residue becomes the major food chain for bacteria and parasites, as well as material that recycles back into the bloodstream and overwhelms the liver as well as poisoning the entire body.
5. Mucus: Grains, dairy, and many foods contain a form of mucus. In excess, mucus accumulates within the respiratory system, and in certain cases, such as Cystic Fibrosis, can clog other pathways. The body can use some mucus as a form of protection from irritating substances, but most mucus within the body has a tendency of only congesting tissues and vital pathways. A cold is an example of the body attempting to eliminate excessive mucus.
6. Acid Waste: Every one of the trillions of cells within the human body produces carbon dioxide as a waste product. Carbon dioxide is an acidic substance that needs to be neutralized or eliminated. In the past, as humans worked hard out in the sun, their bodies perspired, releasing large volumes of this acidic waste. In modern times, most people work indoors with air conditioners running, which closes down the largest organ of elimination, the skin. Therefore, the body naturally becomes more acidic, which provides the ideal internal environment for all forms of disease. PH equals energy, while acidity destroys energy. When you increase alkalinity and balancing the pH of your body fluids, you increases the body’s energy.
7. Oxidized Arterial Plaque: By the time we reach 20 years of age, our gallbladders are pretty-well clogged with oxidized arterial plaque. Since the gallbladder is the liver’s trashcan, this becomes the starting point for the common “fatty liver.” More importantly, this accumulation of oxidized arterial plaque (referred to as low density lipoprotein, or LDL, or “bad cholesterol) is an indicator of the basis for all cardiovascular disease. There are three major causes for all cardiovascular disease: frying and deep-frying food in vegetable oils, vitamin C deficiency, and the destruction of Nitrous Oxide, caused by free radicals and inflammation.
8. Radiation: When the so-called “Smart Meters” first came out, there was an immediate increase in respiratory deaths and a great increase in the development of other serious health conditions. Add this huge volume of destructive radiation to the already overwhelming effect of cell phones and cell phone towers, electric power lines, computers, radio and television waves, electromagnetic radiation from all household appliances, and it becomes quite amazing that most of us can survive such a constant, destructive attack; especially since most of us never take the opportunity to ground ourselves to the Earth. This would be the reason we hear of such near-miraculous benefits from people who discover the power of walking barefoot in grass or on a wet, sandy beach.
9. Bio-unavailable Calcium: When targeted areas of the body develop calcifications, a doctor simply informs the patient that they have developed arthritis in that area. Such a diagnosis is presented as though arthritis just magically shows up without cause or warning. That is a false assumption! There is a very important principle at play regarding every form of calcification. The human body uses calcium drawn from our diet or from our bones to sedate stress. Every type of calcification, such as bone spurs, osteoarthritis, calcified breasts, gallstones, kidney stones, and every other form of calcification is the body’s effort to sedate stress in the affected area. The stressor can be acid waste stagnated in the area, a weakness caused by nerve flow restriction, muscle spasms or bacteria causing inflammation, free radical damage, tissue congestion, direct damage to a specific area, repetitive motion, or any other reason for targeted stress. As the body draws calcium from the bones to sedate the areas of stress, is the real cause behind osteoporosis now crystal clear?
10. Parasite Waste:Most people have parasites. When there is too great of an accumulation of rotting food waste held within the intestinal tract and recycled throughout the body, at the same time as an excessive drop in the body’s energy, parasites can then reproduce out of control. A stool sample will then show the overgrowth of parasite activity. Everyone realizes that a parasitic overgrowth is very bad, because they consume large volumes of the nutrients the body requires, thereby starving the body of nutrition. Just as destructive though, is the volume of waste that many parasites produce. As with any type of animal or insect, the greater number of bodies present, the greater the volume of toxic waste is produced. Accumulatively, even for the average person, when the colon isn’t eliminating fully, there will be an additional volume of parasite waste that is added to the toxic, rotting body waste stagnated in the colon, and recycling back into the bloodstream.
As life always teaches us: “until we discover and correct the real causes of our problems, they will either remain or soon return.”