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Dr. Mick Hall is a Naturopathic Doctor, Doctor of Divinity, researcher, and a specialist in Human Biorestorology. Rather than being a licensed physician, Dr. Hall chose to dedicate forty years of his life to discovering the real causes for the development of human disease, and the most effective, and simplest methods for correcting these causes. Dr. Hall now uses these discoveries to teach others how to create great health in place of creating disease.
Dr. Hall received extensive training in Darkfield Microscopy and HLB Blood Studies during the two years he was Directing the American Metabolic Institute; a cancer clinic in Mexico. His training in Tissue Mineral Evaluation and interpretation was through Analytical Research Labs. In Phoenix, Arizona. He learned Fluid Chemistry evaluation from Dr. Howard Loomis. He received instruction and received IV Therapy and Blood Withdrawal Certification from Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Hall earned his Doctorate in Naturopathy from Trinity Collage of Natural Health, and his Doctor of Divinity through the Esoteric Interfaith Theological Seminary. The heart of Dr. Hall’s studies has been his personal research, where he performed tens of thousands of individual Health Screens throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico.
Over the past 30 years, as Dr. Hall discovered solutions for the health problems he was helping people to overcome, he built these solutions into a line of personally designed products he calls: The Body Chemistry Support System. Over time, this program has evolved into a simplified system that works consistently with every person. In place of temporarily relieving a symptom, which is the goal of most medical and natural treatments, the Body Chemistry Support System supports the innate wisdom of your body to normalize function and to heal itself. The absolute goal for the system Dr. Hall has developed is to assist you in creating a quality of health where disease cannot even exist.
Dr. Mick Hall
It is our mission to help you understand the principles that dictate every function of your body and every circumstance of your life.
The greater value of teaching a person to fish, rather than giving him a fish, is a piece of wisdom that has been handed down through the ages. When it comes to the well-being of your body, the solutions we offer are the epitome of "teaching a person to fish."
The present climate within the health and disease industry can have the tendency of making a person feel too much like a piece of meat in a shark's tank. This helpless, vulnerable feeling is generated by a serious void of usable information. If you had this valuable information, you would know exactly how to create the level of health that would make the development of disease impossible.
The Body Chemistry Support System
The 13 Steps for Creating a Quality of Health
Where Disease Cannot Exist
By: Dr. Mick Hall
All symptoms of diseasemanifest in the body as a direct result of just a few overlooked issues that are a part of our modern way of life. If given the proper support, the innate wisdom of your body could have made the necessary corrections long before treatment became necessary. This handful of overlooked issues consist of #1. Poor digestion, #2. Nutritional deficiencies, #3. Stagnated intestinal waste, #4. Accumulation of body waste and environmental waste within the blood, lymph, and tissues #5. Overwhelmed filtering system (liver and kidneys) #6. Nerve flow restrictions from the spinal cord to your glands, organs, and vital areas of the body.
These 6 issues are caused by our self-destructive lifestyle habits and are the true causes for the development of all human diseases.
We have been conditioned to believe that disease is just an unfortunate part of life, but that is totally incorrect. A truly healthy person not only doesn’t get sick but has no reason to fear the development of disease. Fear of disease has driven mankind to unknowingly take the exact steps necessary to create that which was feared: disease!
For the past hundred years medical science has conditioned the world to believe that treating the symptoms of disease was the best way to deal with our health problems. This is why drug therapy and the protocols attached to that system are, at best, only a temporary relief from physical discomforts. To treat a symptom without correcting the causes that allowed the symptom to develop in the first place is the way in which degenerative disease has gotten so out of control: killing the messenger, but not solving the problem.
The program that is outlined within this booklet provides the 13 steps our bodies need for us to take in order for them to restore the quality of health our self-destructive lifestyle habits have destroyed.
The way in which this program came together was by the tens of thousands of Health Screens I have performed in my 49-year research program. By the time most people would come to me for help, their intuition was screaming so loudly that I could hear it. As I verbalized the intuitions of thousands of people, I recognized the common demands of all bodies, and structured a program that would satisfy these needs. I realized that within the DNA of every cell of the body exists an entire library of information that spans thousands of years of time. This library contains the information on how every person’s body learned to heal itself from every type of damage and every natural disease on this planet. The only form of disease our bodies haven’t learned to overcome are the diseases being caused by the poisoning effects of modern medicine. These, and the diseases being caused by modern food manufacturing practices are the causes our bodies simply cannot deal with. This is why, if you truly desire to restore the quality of health that has been destroyed, and if it is your desire to create a quality of health where disease cannot exist, then it is essential that you follow the 13 steps presented in the Body Chemistry Support System as closely as possible, as there is no other way to accomplish what your body needs. These steps must be followed in order to correct the six issues presented at the beginning of this writing, and the closer you follow these steps, the greater will be your success.
Nutritional Tools for Body Chemistry Support
Primagest: It has been estimated that approximately 50% of our usable energy is consumed by digesting a large, cooked meal. Since the main reason the body develops disease is because of loss of energy, digestion becomes an unnecessary waste of energy. By taking Primagest with every meal, this will save your body from sacrificing so much energy for digestion. Also, many nutritional deficiencies are the result of the body not being able to extract nutrients from food due to incomplete chewing and poor digestion. Here again, by taking digestive enzymes like Primagest with every meal, a greater volume of nutrients will be extracted from the foods that you eat.
Baltone: Sluggish intestinal flow and the recycling of stagnated food residue provides the greatest volume of the building materials disease is made of. The colon is the body’s main trashcan, and the condition of this organ directly determines the health and disease of the body. Unless a person is living on raw vegetables, it is very difficult to consume sufficient fiber to maintain the muscular strength of the intestinal tract, and especially the colon. Because of this, most people turn their colon into a trash bag that takes 24 hours to fill and is then emptied most mornings. As an organ of elimination, the colon should be consistent in removing the water from food waste and moving the waste through the colon for elimination, but most colons don’t function as they were designed. Baltone is sometimes referred to as a “gym in a jar.” This is because it supports the colon perfectly for removing old waste and restoring muscular tone: maintenance for life.
Nutri-Dophilus: The colon should maintain a balance of about 15% unfriendly bacteria and 85% friendly bacteria. When the residue of the food we eat sits too long in the colon, the lack of oxygen and the acidic condition encourages the growth of unfriendly or anaerobic bacteria. This unhealthy state is what allows poisonous fluids to be recycled into the bloodstream 24 hours a day. It is for this reason care should always be taken to be sure you implant sufficient friendly bacteria into your intestinal tract to maintain a good balance. Nutri-Dophilus was designed to help you to accomplish this vital work.
Fiber Regulator or Magnesium Blend:If the colon isn’t moving as many times a day as food is consumed; you are constipated. To stimulate the movement of the intestinal tract, it becomes necessary to use some form of laxative, until nerve flow from the lower back gets restored. Fiber Regulator is a mild, herbal laxative that will assist you in this accomplishment. A preference to an herbal laxative is the Magnesium Blend. Magnesium Blend improves movement in a more comfortable way, at the same time as increasing peristaltic tone within the intestinal tract. To restore proper intestinal health, it is essential to take Baltone twice every day as well as re-toning the muscles of the lower back. The use of any form of laxative should only be for the length of time it takes to re-tone the lower back and for Baltone to assist in re-toning the muscular sleeve of the intestinal tract.
Bio-Activator: There are several food items and specific minerals that can help us to reverse problems that develop over time. The average adult is deficient in nutritional copper, magnesium, Vitamin C, and the B Vitamins. Two other common problems are calcium deposits throughout the muscles and circulatory system and an excessively acidic pH. Bio-Activator provides the most abundant source of nutritional copper as well as the best B Vitamins you can get, from grass fed beef liver. It also provides a large amount of organic celery juice powder, potassium orotate, sodium borate, magnesium malate, Acerola Cherry extract, and Amla extract: all nutrients to help reverse the problems of aging.
Re-Hydrating Elements of Life: We refer to the minerals in our blood as our electrolytes. The minerals in a car battery are also referred to as electrolytes, without the electrolytes, there is no energy in the battery or the body, and energy is synonymous with health. Every health problem we experience develops in a weak area of the body, and the two major causes for such weakness are nerve flow restriction and mineral deficiencies. We hear so much about how essential vitamins are for our health, yet every vitamin relies upon a mineral for it to perform its functions. Without minerals, vitamins are useless. In the words of two-time Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Linus Pauling: “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” Well, why wait until you have sickness or disease, why not load up on minerals and avoid all of that? Two droppers of Elements of Life twice daily charges your body with a very healthy supply of trace minerals, as well as 256mg. of Magnesium Chloride, and 325mcg of essential, Nascent Iodine, in a base of Micro-Particle Silver. Added to this base is a proprietary delivery system developed to weaken the bond between the oxygen and hydrogen in your water, making the oxygen available for energy production and hydrogen to neutralize free radicals.
Omega 3 Fish Oil: There are several very important reasons why the human body needs the Omega 3 fish oils. For thousands of years, mankind has replenished his reserves of the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA by eating fatty fish. The human brain and nervous system need the nutrients from fish oils to maintain proper function. Besides proper brain and nerve functions, our eyes rely upon the omega 3 fatty acids of fish oil to remain healthy. The most common health benefit touted for omega 3 fish oils is heart health. The human heart relies upon these essential fatty acids for its well-being. These oils support healthy skin and bones and are very anti-inflammatory. Unfortunately, our healthy choices for fatty fish have been greatly reduced by toxic levels of mercury, radiation, toxic levels of pollution in the oceans and the extremely unhealthy fish feeds being fed to farmed fish. It is for this reason we selected the fresh-caught pollock from Alaska as the source for our Omega 3 Fish oil capsules.
The Necessary Therapeutic Steps for Body Chemistry Support
Detox Spa: The seven tools previously reviewed were designed to assist you in providing the proper care for your intestinal tract, which is the highest priority for everyone to restore lost health to their bodies. The second highest priority is to clean the blood and lymph by stimulating the body’s largest organ of elimination: the skin. This is best accomplished by doing a hot bath with specific ingredients added to your bath water. Detox Spa provides sufficient sea salt to cause the body to transfer fluids from the bloodstream and lymphatic system through the skin and out of the body. The powdered ginger in the formula stimulates the pores of the skin to open wide enough to remove toxic metals, the Bentonite Clay works like a magnet to then draw toxic metals out through those open pores, as well as helping to remove the chemicals and acid wastes. Bicarbonate of soda is an ingredient that buffers the acidity of the fluids being eliminated to prevent the skin from being irritated by those acids. And finally, oatmeal has been added to sooth and soften the skin. Because we don’t perspire as much as we need to remove the huge volumes of acid waste produced by every cell in the body, doing two detox baths every week will help to maintain safe levels of acids within the fluids of the body.
Gallbladder Flushes: We have no doubt about the importance of changing the oil and filter for our car engines. Yet, it is at least ten times more important to clean your body’s blood filter: the liver. To accomplish this, it is important to realize that attached to the back of the liver is the liver’s trashcan, called the Gallbladder. Because of our consuming large quantities of vegetable oils and margarine (before we learned better), these oils, and our common Vitamin C deficiency, has been causing inflammation of the arteries most of our lives. This is responsible for the accumulation of blobs of oxidized arterial plaque accumulating in the Gallbladder. These blobs of waxy fats fill the Gallbladder and makes it very difficult for the liver to release the waste it filters from the blood. An overwhelmed, but still healthy liver, is one of the main causes for a stagnated, toxic body, that goes on to become diseased. In serious cases, it is valuable for a person to do a Gallbladder Flush every week until conditions improve. Normally it is advisable for a person to do a Gallbladder Flush every two weeks for at least a year. Then, once a month for maintenance. Doing Gallbladder Flushes is a great way to really slow the aging process and to avoid the development of degenerative disease.
The Four Priority Exercises:There are four priority exercises that are necessary to reverse the structural causes responsible for the development of disease. These four exercises are: 1. Neck stretching exercise, 2. Foam rolling of the upper back, 3. Some form of rowing exercise for the lower back, 4. Bouncing on a mini trampoline to stimulate lymphatic flow. These four exercises will help your body restore nerve flow through congested muscles that have been restricting nerve flow.
1. Neck Stretching exercise: With the use of a simple neck traction unit, with your head in the traction harness and your neck in traction, turn your head to the left as far as you comfortably can. Then, slowly count to ten. With each count, force your head to turn to the left harder with each count. Relax, and turn your head to the right, and again slowly count to ten. With each count, turn your head harder to the right. Relax, and repeat this for a total of five repetitions to the left and five to the right.
2. Foam rolling of the upper back: Place a 6-inch firm, foam exercise roller on the floor in front of you with the ends pointing to the left and the right. Turn around and sit in front of the roller. Lace your fingers together and put your hands behind your head for support. Lean back onto the roller. Then, lift your bottom up. Push and pull with your legs so that the roller rolls up and down your spine as though someone is rolling your back with a rolling pin. Do this for about three minutes once or twice daily.
3. Rowing Exercise: For about ten minutes twice daily do some form of rowing exercise. If you have a rowing machine, that is ideal. If not, use exercise bands or whatever you have to duplicate this form of exercise to re-tone the muscles of your lower back.
4. Mini Trampoline: By jumping on a mini trampoline for 15 minutes twice daily, this will wash the acid waste from all the cells of your body, increasing your overall energy production, and improving the health of your entire body.
From the time I established the foregoing 13 steps of Body Chemistry Support, I have found that every problem that people I consult with presents to me could have been prevented by doing these thirteen steps. The human body was designed to be an absolutely brilliant, self-healing instrument. Yet, if we fail to provide the needed support that will reverse the six issues presented in the beginning of this booklet, the body remains incapable of restoring its self-healing abilities.
It would be great if every person could just jump in and follow all 13 steps, but we have a problem with the brain. The brain is quite similar to a rebellious 5-year-old child: it doesn’t like change. Since the condition of your body is mostly the result of your lifestyle habits, it will be necessary to replace your self-destructive lifestyle habits with the 13 self-supportive habits of the Body Chemistry Support System. Unfortunately, your brain will not let you change these habits very quickly. You will need to begin with the three priorities listed below. Then, once a month, add one more step, without dropping those habits already established. If you will consistently and habitually follow these three steps, then, add one more step every month or so, your body’s self-healing abilities will then reset, and healing can happen again naturally.
Priorities to begin with immediately to support the body’s ability to detoxify itself:
1. Take a drink of Baltone twice every day to restore proper intestinal function. As needed, take Magnesium Blend as well.
2. Take two Detox Spas every week to help clean the bloodstream and lymphatic system.
3. Do a Gallbladder Flush twice monthly.
Before ending this writing, it’s important that I share with you four causal factors that have been imposed upon all of us. These four causal factors also just happen to be the foundation for all major degenerative diseases of our time, and without this knowledge, it will be very difficult for you to become healthy enough to prevent or to overcome disease.
What we call disease is the natural result of weakness and stagnation within the body. The degree of disease can be determined by the levels of toxicity, free radical damage, inflammation, and micro-organism growth.
The four components I’m talking about are: 1. & 2. The extreme deficiency of magnesium and nutritional copper that we all suffer from. 3. The toxic iron overload, and 4. The general deficiency of whole-food vitamin C. I will now explain how these four issues make up the foundation of our modern-day diseases.
It's common knowledge that our farming soil has been depleted of magnesium since the 1950s. The fact that they are still depleted proves that this is an intentional act. The thing we didn’t know is that the farming soils have also been depleted of nutritional copper: and again, the continuation of this problem to the present proves that it has been intentional also. You might ask: so why are these two minerals such a big deal? Well, it is the presence of magnesium and copper at the cellular level that makes it possible for our cells to produce ATP, which is the energy source for every cell in the body. No magnesium; no copper = no cellular energy production! This is the main reason we all seem to run out of energy by about 45 years of age. As you might realize, without enough energy, the body cannot digest our food as well, it cannot heal wounds as fast, and everything begins to fall apart from that time on.
The next item of concern is the toxic metal iron. We have known all our lives that our bread, flour, and cereals have been “iron fortified.” Of course, this sounded very supportive, to think that our government cared enough about our well-being to be sure that we had enough of this seemingly valuable mineral. The only problem with this idea is that the iron that enhanced our food was powdered scrap metal, and our bodies cannot use dense, scrap metals. In order to understand the reason for adding this metal to our food, we need to take a look at what the effects are on our bodies. The first clue comes from considering what happens when iron comes in contact with oxygen: you get rust. Inside our bodies, this human rust is called “free radical destruction.” The toxic metal iron doesn’t show up in a blood test, because such a dense metal gets trapped within our tissues and organs. At this level, iron becomes the major cause for inflammation and free radical destruction; two of the main components of all modern degenerative diseases. Also, the main reason the iron is bound within the tissues and organs, and not able to join the hemoglobin in our red blood cells is because, without sufficient nutritional copper, iron cannot be mobilized. Iron mobilization is another important function of nutritional copper. This is why, if your doctor tells you that you are deficient of iron, it isn’t true. You are deficient of nutritional copper, and therefore, cannot mobilize your nutritional iron.
So, with a body that is no longer able to produce enough energy to function properly, and a body full of inflammation and free radical destruction, you might think that is sufficient to guarantee that one day the disease that will kill you is guaranteed to develop. Well, yes, but there is more. Remember, I mentioned the deficiency of the food-form of Vitamin C? Vitamin C in its whole food form is like the cement that holds our bodies together. When we are extremely deficient, the body basically falls apart, but this issue is always blamed onto something else.
The number one killer in our country is “cardiovascular disease.” We are told that medical science doesn’t know the cause for cardiovascular disease. Well, we have always believed that the billions of dollars that are being donated every year for medical research was paying for some of the smartest scientists to find the cause and present the missing health solutions, right? And of course, if after all these years of research, if these smart scientists cannot find the cause, obviously you and I wouldn’t have a prayer at making such a discovery, so we generally just wait and hope. Well, let’s just think for a couple minutes and see what we can come up with by just thinking. What is an aneurism? Well, it’s a weak, ballooned artery that is lacking bioflavonoids. Hmm. And what is a stroke? Well, either a blockage or a burst artery. And why would an artery burst? Oh yeah, a weak artery due to a deficiency of vitamin C containing bioflavonoids and the other factors of a whole-food vitamin C. In fact, as we review every form of cardiovascular disease, we discover a direct parallel to scurvy. But then, medical science tells us that scurvy was overcome hundreds of years ago. But was it really? Think of the people you know in their eighties who bump themselves and the blood just runs under their thin skin, making a large purple colored blotch. That is basically one thin skin thickness from dying of scurvy.
This isn’t a new idea. Dr. Mathias Rath, a medical doctor from Germany was granted patents back in the early 1990s for reversing all the components of cardiovascular disease and proving in great detail that all cardiovascular disease is nothing but various levels of scurvy.
Dr. Rath worked closely with Dr. Linus Pauling, so he does promote the use of ascorbic acid, which is a synthetic chemical: only good for stimulating the immune system on a short-term basis. For daily use, lemons, grapefruit, Amla, Rose Hips, Acerola Cherry, and other food forms of vitamin C work much better.
The best sources for nutritional copper are: #1. Grass fed beef liver or capsules (as in BioActivator). Also, Dark chocolate, Oysters, Spirulina, Shiitake mushrooms, Almonds, Sesame seeds, and leafy greens.
So, the best solutions are to be sure to increase your intake of a nutritional form of magnesium, copper, and Vitamin C. Then, as your copper levels increase, they will mobilize your iron, and your Detox baths can eliminate the toxic metal iron from your blood and lymph.
If you really want to make a difference in your life, read this booklet several times, and slowly implement each of the steps provided herein.
Educating yourself is the most important step in truly taking responsibility for your health.
Dr. Mick Hall
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All our lives, the focus of healthcare has been centered on the treatment of symptoms. Of course, it's very logical, that if we were ill or in pain, we should naturally seek relief. Yet the principle of cause and effect didn't seem to apply to the well being of our bodies as it did to every other area of our lives.
We have always been, and we always will be: creatures of habit. Wise teachers throughout history have described the steps in which we, as sons and daughters of God create our lives and destinies. They say the thoughts that we choose determine the words we use. Our words, then determine our actions. Our repeated actions become our habits, and our habits crystallize into our character and our physical expressions.
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