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Visit to California
After two years of not knowing if the world would come to a standstill or keep going, it seems as though we can finally feel free to move about the Country again. I was returning home from a trip to Colombia when all of the covid stuff started. One hour after I left Colombia, they closed the airport down. I was scheduled to fly to Bermuda a few days later, but, of course, everything was being closed down at that point. So, for the most part, I have just played farmer for the past couple years.
I hope this isn’t too short of a notice, but I am planning a trip to Southern California for next week. While there I will be available to do Health Screens for anyone wanting to have insights into what is going on inside your body.
I was planning on having a class at the Costa Mesa Community Center, but they still aren’t renting any rooms out yet. I was told a little while ago that we may have a place to hold a class in the Dana Point area. If or when I have a confirmation on that, I’ll let you know.
If you would like to have a Health Screen while I am there, please phone Janice Gaski at: (425) 789-6359, or email her at:
I’ll be doing the Health Screens next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and possibly Friday if need be. The fee is still $150 for the hour appointment.
Hope to see you either at class or at Janice’s.
Dr. Mick
An Essential Tool: Free From 35 For Life
I apologize for making you read another long newsletter from me so soon, but because of the world events we are on the verge of experiencing, it would be in the very best interest for every person to get this tool right away! What I’m talking about is a very special shredder.
There are many types of shredders and each type has many sizes. We have all seen paper shredders, but have you seen the shredders you could put a whole car into and it shreds it into tiny pieces? Or the shredders you could put a tree stump the size of a car into and it shreds the stump into wood chips?
Shredders do two things: they destroy what no longer serves us, and they reduce these items into a form that can be reconstructed into something useful.
Before I describe the shredder that I want to provide you with, I need to share with you the reason you need such an essential tool.
This might be a bit of a long explanation, but please be patient and read on.
We need to begin with an understanding of the real science of belief. Now, keep in mind, I’m not talking about a person’s faith. I’m talking about the things we believe and the things we don’t believe.
First of all, where do our beliefs come from? In the beginning of our lives, our beliefs are mostly handed to us by our parents, siblings, friends, television, churches, schools, and people we observe and listen to. But what is a belief? A belief is actually just an opinion about what is or what isn’t. If we knew for certain the truth regarding a specific subject, we wouldn’t need to believe; we would simply know.
As each of us approached adulthood, we each had a collection of all the beliefs we gathered throughout our lives. As adults travelling down the road of life, each time we discovered a belief that no longer worked for us, we threw it out. When we found a belief that did work for us, we added it to our collection. The collection I’m referring to is our belief system. When you consider the entire collection of beliefs in your belief system, including the dozens of subjects, your belief system actually contains thousands of beliefs.
Now let’s consider something that happens to each of us from time to time. How do you feel when someone opposes your closely-held beliefs, especially regarding religion or politics? Why is it that we feel personally attacked? Why is it that we feel obligated to defend those beliefs? Is it just a natural human response? Or is it that we should just obey the advice we have heard all our lives and just avoid discussions of religion and politics?
To understand the truth of this matter, let’s consider the emotion that is felt when our beliefs are opposed or attacked. When another person opposes or attacks our beliefs, this automatically activates fear and the feeling of being personally attacked, almost as though somehow our very survival is being threatened. There is a very good reason for this, and it will make much more sense when we consider the two expressions of who we really are as humans.
In case you don’t remember what I’m about to share with you, it’s O.K. because we all get a crash course reminder immediately after we die. Anyhow, for people like my wife and youngest son, who have the gift of seeing the energy emanations of all living things, no mystery exists regarding a spirit leaving their physical body at the time of death. There are many people now on the Earth who, like my wife and son, are sensitive enough to actually see these spirit beings when they leave their bodies. So, here we are on Earth as two, almost opposite expressions of life: a physically advanced animal, and a highly aware and advanced spiritual being, both living together in one physical body. Each have distinctively unique traits. The human animal has a brain, ego, personality, and belief system. The soul, or spirit of man is simply brilliant life-energy. The animal is driven by thirst, hunger, and other physical desires. The animal is also a survival mechanism, driven by fear to survive. The soul or spirit of man is the essence of life and wisdom, driven to live through unconditional love. The brilliance of soul is constantly whispering guidance and waiting very patiently for us to listen. Two thousand years ago, this same powerful being was referred to as “the kingdom of God within us.” This brilliant being has absolutely nothing better to do than to guide us wisely in every area of our lives. With such wisdom constantly available to us, we have no reason not to be happy, healthy, and successful. In fact, you could say that our bodies and our lives are perfect barometers that indicate how well we are listening to this brilliance. So, what is our problem? Oh yeah, 99.9% of the time we are functioning as a fear-based survival mechanism, reading a roadmap called our “belief system,” and defending it with fear and desperation.
So, what is a belief system really, and why do we defend it so vigorously? The belief system is actually a collection of opinions that we have carefully collected over a lifetime. A collection of our best guesses for how to survive in this life, as well as the next. And where are these beliefs kept? Well, in the little house of horrors, of course: the brain of the survival mechanism. This is why we defend them with fear, and this is why we get the feeling that our very survival is being threatened when someone opposes our beliefs. We should have gotten a clue when we saw what was hiding right in the middle of the word itself: be lie f.
In the sixth class of the course I used to give in Costa Mesa, I would always offer the trick question: “Did Jesus have a belief system?” Of course, most of the class would respond as though I was crazy to even ask such a question, and would respond with a unanimous answer of yes. To which I would immediately respond with: “No, he didn’t need to believe, because he knew!”
There are things we each believe to be so, but there are other thing that we just know! What is the difference? Intuitive knowing! When we actually listen to the whisperings of spirit, we can’t deny what we know to be true.
This is also referred to as discernment. The problem with this word is, our dictionaries have lied to us and told us that discernment is a mental process of judgement. This is completely not true! It is a scientific fact that a human brain cannot discern truth! If the brain were given two pieces of information: one truth and one lie, and given equal proof for both, it is impossible for the human brain to tell the difference between the truth and a lie. True discernment is when the brain stops running its beliefs and judgements, and simply listens to the wisdom of the heart (or soul). That is true discernment, and it is the only way in which a person can actually know the truth regarding any matter.
We are on the verge of stepping into a whole new world of awareness. We are about to learn that most of the things we have learned and believed all our lives were lies. We will also be provided with sufficient proof of this fact. This will give us two choices we can respond with. We can observe, and consider the truth of what is presented, or we react out of fear and anger, then go into denial.
There has never been a time in the history of our world when it was more important to discover why our beliefs have held so much power over us, and there has never been another time when it was as important to wisely release our beliefs, and trust the wisdom within to guide us through the next year or so as we learn the truths that have been withheld from us.
We are about to witness a great destruction of what we have known and lived with all our lives. It is a system of corruption and control that has never worked for us. It is being destroyed right now, but we will only learn of the details in the weeks to come.
So here is the essential tool that I promised to give you: it’s your very own, brand new, Belief System Shedder. I’ll even give you the instructions for how to use it.
The shredder is already installed within your imagination. So, just picture you and I going for a little walk inside your head. As we walk around to the back of your brain, we find a large barrel. That is your Belief System Bucket. You can recognize it easily, it’s marked appropriately: B.S. Bucket. Pick it up, it’s quite easy to carry because the contents are old and quite dried out. Now let’s carry your B.S. Bucket around to the front of your brain. As we stand in the front of your brain, you look down, there at our feet is a huge shredder. It’s one of those that you could push a car into and it would shred it into tiny pieces. Now, drop the B.S. Bucket with all its contents, into this shredder and listen to the shredder chew it into a million pieces. Listen closely when the shredder gets finished. Do you hear what sounds like someone freaking out, and saying: oh my gosh! You just destroyed everything! That’s your brain: the little house of horrors. Don’t worry about it, your brain will get over it soon. Listen again, you will hear another voice saying: “Oh how wonderful! I don’t have to listen to that B.S. being played over and over any more.
Since the brain can’t help itself, you may need to shred a B.S. Bucket every week for a while. The brain has a habit from thousands of years of collecting opinions about survival. It will take it a while to learn how to live instead of survive, but that is the new world we are now moving into. So, enjoy!
Dr. Mick Hall
Grapefruit Peels, Lemon Peels, and Pumpkin Seedsto the Rescue
Most of my adult life, when I would watch an old western movie or a movie about one of the old wars, when a person would get wounded, I would think: “Of course they had Cayenne Pepper back then, if only they knew how to use it.” Just plain old Cayenne Pepper would have been a miracle worker back through time, if only more people knew how to use it.
A few days ago, Dean was helping me remove a fairly large tree from close to our house. I had lifted the tree with the tractor, after cutting it at the base. Dean was stabilizing the tree as I brought it away from the house. When we got to where we were taking the tree, it pivoted and pulled Dean’s arm between the steel bucket and the tree, removing a path of skin and tissue from the back of Dean’s wrist. After lowering the tree to the ground, I looked over where Dean was standing to see a puddle of blood on the ground below his hand, as Dean stated the obvious: “Looks like I need a little Cayenne here.” So, Flower ran in and grabbed a bag of Cayenne Pepper and we poured a tablespoon of it onto the wound, which quickly cauterized the bleeding. A gauze bandage over the Cayenne and he was good to go. We left the Cayenne on for two days, then cleaned it and used our Face Cream and a bandage each day for the next four days, and it healed up nicely.
Soon we will be shifting out of a time of imposed ignorance, where we have been taught that it is possible to use poisonous drugs with toxic side effects to heal our bodies. We will return to a time of learning how food and herbs can accomplish the same results without the negative side effects. Last year President Trump claimed that he had the virus, then quickly treated it with a time honored, old treatment: hydroxychloroquine and zinc. A few days later he was cleared, and feeling great. Many others, who came down with the flu did the same thing and quickly got well.
As they say: “Hindsight is 2020.” As we move away from all the emotional stir caused by the great flu hoax, we can now calmly review all that we have learned. First of all, the intensity of the original conditions were generated by electromagnetic energy from 60hz frequency being transmitted, and blamed on the virus. Then, the major news media began to greatly exaggerate the deaths and problems of the “virus,” at the same time as hospitals were being paid thousands of dollars for writing death certificates claiming deaths were caused by the virus. This was the motivation for death certificates claiming that people killed in auto accidents and from gunshot wounds died of the virus. All of this was to drive the unsuspecting into wanting a vaccine for self-protection, which was the underlying reason for the hype. Unfortunately, the shot the pharmaceutical companies made available, turned out to not even be a vaccine. It also had nothing to do with the virus. The whole scam was a drive to scare people into receiving the population-controlling brew that Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci had been investing in for many years.
As the dust begins to settle on all the lies and deceit, we need to draw two conclusions: first, every decision we ever make out of fear, always comes back to bite us in the butt! And secondly: a truly healthy person never needs any form of treatment or a vaccine.
Sometimes, when we slip a little, and aren’t as diligent as we should be in caring for our bodies, we may develop a little sniffle or the flu. At such a time, it is good to know for sure what we can do for ourselves. Remember: viruses are only triggering mechanisms, and nobody has ever been harmed by a trigger. It is always the “bullet” that is triggered up that causes the harm, whether you are considering a triggered-up emotion, or a triggered release of toxic waste from the body.
Since colds and the flu are simply cleansing modes for the body, if they ever do come up with “cures” for colds and flu, mankind will be doomed.
Realizing what colds and flu really are, your best bet is to support your body in completing its work of housecleaning just as quickly as possible.
One great take away from the past year of controls and suppression is how to properly deal with the flu. The best method, of course, is to follow the Body Chemistry Support System so that you never get colds or flu, but for those who choose not to support their body, here is a simple solution for when the next flu gets created:
Quinine is a simple food extract that destroys viruses, and you can easily make your own Quinine.
Homemade Quinine: Put a quart and a half of water into a stainless-steel pot. Add the peels of 3 grapefruits and 3 lemons. Put the cover on the pot and lightly boil for 2 hours. Turn the heat off and let it cool without removing the lid, as this can allow Quinine to escape in the steam. Take 1 tablespoon of this liquid every 2-hours until you are well again. It will be very bitter, so you may want to sweeten it a little and dilute it with more water.
Just as minerals are essential for vitamins to do their jobs, it has been found that zinc makes Quinine much more effective. Since everyone needs more zinc, and since the very best source of zinc is pumpkin seeds, it would be great if everyone developed the habit of eating a handful of roasted, salted pumpkin seeds every day. They are a fun snack that provides needed salt as well as zinc. The healthiest form is sprouted and salted.
With this combination, it doesn’t matter how mean a virus may be, they can’t survive this food combination, and there is zero chance of side effects!
Dr. Mick Hall
The Crystallization of Thought: the Forerunner of Disease
The Human Body is the Crystallized Form of Our Emotional Habits:
The thoughts we choose activates the emotions we feel, which regulates the chemistry of our bodies, which crystallizes as our health or the lack thereof.
So often we hear that: “We are what we eat.” While this is mostly true, we must realize that we usually eat according to how we feel: emotionally.
Positive and joyful thoughts activate endorphins. When a person is following a healthy dietary plan, there are sufficient levels of complete proteins, including the essential amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is the amino acid our bodies uses to produce serotonin. When our thoughts are positive and joyful, our serotonin joins with our endorphins and creates a cascade of positive effects throughout our bodies. This chemistry allows our glands and organs to function as they were designed to function. This same positive chemistry allows the tissue minerals of our bodies to be in proper balance. The balance of these minerals determines the function of every gland and organ in our bodies, and thereby provides a continuation of proper gland and organ function.
Positive and joyful thoughts relax muscles, which allows the intestinal tract to flow and to function as it should. In fact, every muscle in the body is more relaxed and able to allow blood, lymph, and nerve energy to flow more freely. The overall result of choosing positive and joyful thoughts is a body that is relaxed, energized, and healthy.
Negative, critical, judgmental, thinking is very stressful. Allowing the brain to focus upon negative thoughts is a choice, which activates stress hormones and inflammatory hormones. This pattern of thought also activates contractiveness and stress throughout every system, gland and organ of the body. The body can handle short spurts of stress, but if allowed to continue over a prolonged period of time, the accumulation of stress hormones and inflammatory hormones produced by stressed glands will eventually overwhelm the body, and disease is the natural result.
Second to the Principle of Cause and Effect, the most powerful principle in our lives is the Principle of Focused Attention. Whether you are choosing the direction of your thoughts, or allowing someone else to direct your focus, the results are the same. If the focus of your thoughts is negative and stressful, in time, you can be certain that the chemistry of your body will be distorted, and you will begin to feel the symptoms caused by this distortion.
The Principle of Focused Attention is the real foundation of disease in our time. The wrong selection, and destructive preparation of our food is just a secondary cause.
It seems as though the world is presently in a state of serious turmoil, but if you stop and think about it, there have been hot spots of turmoil on this planet for thousands of years. It's just that a couple of these issues hit a little closer to home lately, but this too shall pass.
In the meantime, if each of us chooses our own focus, rather than allowing the news or some highly emotional person to direct our focus, we will be much better off. In the midst of turmoil, if every person who knows better, refrains from reacting, and simply holds our focus upon the ways in which we can bring comfort and joy to those around us, there will be less stress-induced health problems, and life will get better sooner. The truth is, this is the most exciting time in the history of our world! I know that it sometimes doesn't seem like it, but within weeks, we will all see the miracles that have been happening behind the scenes that are opening the doors to a very exciting future. So, choose to be happy.
Dr. Mick Hall
Your Health is Your Greatest Wealth
How many times have you heard that statement and let it go in one ear and out the other? For the past couple months we have all been given the opportunity to watch the fear of this reality. I often hear people who have been on the Body Chemistry Support System say things like: “I can’t remember the last time I got sick it’s been so long.” Or: “ I never get colds or flu anymore.”
Of course real science has found that with this Covid-19 virus, the reason it is a little meaner than a normal virus is because it was a part of the Biological warfare collection that got out of its cage. Yes, there are people who are actually making lots of money altering viruses to be more dangerous to people, and they get paid lots of money for this work, but let’s take a closer look at the truth about viruses and bacteria: years ago medical science claimed that it was viruses and bacteria that caused most diseases. Now in a more intelligent day, we know that to be as foolish as believing that maggots kill animals. Remember that maggots, parasites, bacteria, and viruses, are not forces designed to destroy humans. In fact, on the inside as well as on the outside of your body and mine, there are more viruses and bacteria than there are blood cells and tissue cells within our whole body. Problems arise, not necessarily when we get exposed to a foreign virus, but when the body’s sewage system slows down, the filtering system gets overwhelmed, and the body’s vitality drops; then, any triggering mechanism, such as a virus, bacterial over-growth, or a chill of winter can activate a heavy tissue release of mucus and other toxic body waste. It isn’t that this virus cruelly targets older people. It affects the elderly because most of them have had the time to accumulate an internal environment that supports the overgrowth of a viral infestation. Remember: if there were no excess volumes of body waste, you couldn’t get sick, no matter what viral overload you experienced, or what virus you were exposed to!
Mike Adams reported on a very interesting study performed in Ecuador that proved that chlorine dioxide (the same thing you make at home with the Body Water Purifier), when used intravenously, brings about a 100% recovery of covid-19!
Here is exactly what Mike Adams reported: Integrative medicine researchers in Ecuador claim a 100 percent recovery of all patients (100+ participants) from covid-19 using chlorine dioxide (ClO2) intravenously. This breakthrough study comes at the same time that research published in The Lancet finds covid-19 is not an acute respiratory disease but rather a blood clotting/coagulation disease affecting lung tissue. Chlorine dioxide reportedly floods the blood with oxygen, allowing patients to breathe again while disinfecting the blood and eliminating pathogens, according to researchers.
For decades Jim Humble has been quietly teaching hundreds of thousands of people around the world how to overcome every viral and bacterial problem with the use of chlorine dioxide. Yet, the pharmaceutical industry and their partners in the major news media have been doing everything possible to discredit and suppress this information.
Now that you have been reminded again of this information, please release any fear others may have activated within you, and follow the link below to watch a short video that Bruce Lipton made. As you may know, Bruce Lipton is one of the most honest scientists of our time who also knows what he is talking about. After watching this video, please dump all the information from your head regarding the unlimited forms of “treatments” and simply get back to work creating a level of health where disease cannot even exist! Janice is waiting to assist you in any way she can 714-485-2299.
Dr. Mick Hall
Link for Bruce Lipton video:
The TRUTH about this madness | Dr. Bruce Lipton
Rocket Fuel
The first time I worked in Bermuda, while I was doing Health Screens, Teresa Perozzi, the person who sponsored me to work in Bermuda was doing Bodywork as well as scheduling appointments and helping the people I Screened. Every day was quite the same: totally busy from early morning until late afternoon. The first couple days flew by without either of us having time for lunch. At the end of the second day we decided that if we were going to maintain such a demanding schedule, we needed to get super-fueled in the middle of the day instead of skipping lunch. The third day, since Teresa’s sister and Brother-in-law own the Om Juicery in Bermuda, Teresa picked up a couple bottles of freshly juiced vegetable juices for us. At lunchtime we mixed Essential Light into the juice.
Drinking this combination was not only very satisfying, but it sustained us better than we would have been if we ate a lunch. After a couple more days, we began to look forward to our midday nutritional boost. It felt so good: we began referring to this drink as “Rocket Fuel,” and “Jet Fuel.”
Since returning home from that first visit, I continue every morning to start my day with Rocket Fuel. Flower blends Essential Light into our vegetable Juice every morning. For a little extra kick, Flower adds D-Ribose and a raw egg to each drink as well.
It is a great feeling to feel and to know that we are delivering such complete nutrition into our bloodstreams every day.
Phone Janice (714-485-2299). She will help you to fill in the blank spots in your Body Chemistry Support System.
Keep healthy, happy, and excited!
Dr. Mick Hall
Treatment Versus Body Chemistry Support
Every time you or I got sick as children and as young adults, it didn’t matter if we were attended to by a medical doctor, an herbalist, or a wise parent who knew how to take care of our problem; some form of treatment was administered to help us to get well. Treatment, whether it was medical, natural, or even a witch doctor’s brew, has been the answer to every health condition throughout history. This is basically all we have been exposed to all our lives.
The reason for this long-term solution is, something needs to be done to ease our discomfort and to assist the body in returning to what we consider to be our healthy norm.
The focus on treatment is so engrained in the minds of humanity that millions of people continue to donate huge amounts of money for medical research, hoping these corporations will discover cures for our most common degenerative diseases. I can’t think of a more foolish waste of money for two reasons: first of all, the medical corporations are making most of their money treating these diseases, while never bringing any of them to actual solution. So as corporations, if anyone in any of these corporations were to implement any of the actual “cures” that have been developed over the past hundred years, the board of directors would have them fired and the cure that this person implemented would instantly be discredited and shelved or destroyed. Secondly, as I have stated so many times before: the greatest cure in the world is very close to being absolutely worthless. The reason for this is because, when you “cure” a disease, you eliminate the end-resulting manifestation of the multileveled process called disease, without correct the reasons the disease manifested in the first place. It is for this reason the person who received the cure is guaranteed to develop the same disease again. A perfect example of this process is the medical cure for “the big C disease” (abbreviations used to prevent internet censorship). If a person truly has C., and is offered chemo, surgery, or radiation, the C. cells are eliminated from the body, but the several reasons for the development of the C. cells still remain uncorrected. Therefore, a 5-year cure is about all that a person can expect. Only two reasons exist for the many people who were “permanently cured.” Of the people who never changed the lifestyle habits that caused the problem in the first place, the reason they never had a recurrence of their problem was because they were misdiagnosed: they only had abnormal cells in either a damaged area of their body, or in a temporarily stagnated area. They didn’t actually have C. The others who were “permanently cured” were the ones who realized that their self-destructive lifestyle habits were the main reason for developing the problem in the first place, so they made a radical change in their lifestyle habits, and created a quality of health that didn’t allow the condition to develop again.
If we are honest with ourselves, we know that every one of us as human adults is self-destructive. Some more than others, and some less than others, but we are all self-destructive. It is almost synonymous with being human. Yet, for various reasons, most of us are becoming aware of the fact that with a little effort we can become a little less self-destructive. In so doing, we find ourselves improving the quality of the foods we eat, and we gradually do other things that improve the quality of our health.
This is what Body Chemistry Support is truly all about: the BCSS was developed from many years of careful research into the actual physiology of tens of thousands of human bodies: observing all levels of cause for the development of disease, and discovering how to correct these causes. These discovered strategies and technologies have been developed into a system of products and instructions that align perfectly with the human body’s own innate wisdom, and the agenda the body wisdom is trying desperately to fulfill: which is to heal the many unseen damages caused by our stressful lifestyles and to normalize the many body chemistry imbalances that have accumulated over our life time.
Let’s keep it in mind that when we get sick or feel pain, discomfort, or fatigue within our bodies, these conditions are red flags that indicate that our self-destructive habits have pushed our body too far beyond its ability to maintain itself, and now there is absolutely nothing it can do to correct itself until we either slow down or provide the additional support it needs.
Every disease and every health problem develops from underlying problems already existing within four areas of the body: the spine, the intestinal tract, the filtering system (liver and kidneys), and the lymphatic system. The body’s need for our support in these four areas is vital for our overall well-being. I won’t cover the specifics for spinal support in this article, but I will mention the three necessary exercises we all must do for spinal support: 1.) Put the neck in traction while doing the neck stretches. 2.) Three minutes rolling of the upper back with a 6-inch foam roller. 3.) And, 10-minutes twice daily doing some sort of rowing exercise.
For the intestinal tract:
1. Without the use of digestive enzymes before every meal, our energy will continue to be drained in an effort to digest our food, and since every person over forty has successfully exhausted their energy reserves, there just isn’t enough energy or necessary nutrients to produce sufficient hydrochloric acid or digestive enzymes to digest our food. So the body gradually gets poisoned with the rotting, undigested foods, while suffering from nutritional deficiencies caused by essential nutrients the body is incapable of releasing from food.
2. If we don’t consistently use a supplemental fiber blend to help remove the contents of the intestinal tract, the acids and other toxic body waste will recycle and end up in our bloodstream.
3. If we don’t use a good probiotic to normalize the intestinal flora, the toxicity of the fluids being drawn from our fecal waste 24 hours of every day will not be neutralized. This large volume of toxic fluids being withdrawn from fecal waste and transferred into the bloodstream is one of the strongest influences toward the development of human disease.
Recycling toxic body waste from the colon 24 hours a day is what overwhelms our filtering system (liver and kidneys). Then, the lymphatic system becomes overwhelmed, backed up, and stagnated. This is the direct and immediate cause for all breast cancers and other lymphatic problems. This condition is the foundation for cancer and most every other degenerative disease; including the unnecessary disease called debilitating old age.
We all have choices we must make in life. If you want to wait until you create a disease, then, chose the wisest treatment you can find to temporarily bring yourself back to a reasonable level of comfort: that is definitely a choice you can make. My desire is to tell everyone I know that it isn’t necessary to develop any form of disease. A truly healthy person doesn’t get sick or develop disease, and to remember that once you allow the quality of your health to decline to the level where any form of disease can develop, it will be a very long, hard journey back to a reasonable level of health. The only way that I know for a person to become truly healthy is by consistently following the principles of Body Chemistry Support: to support the innate wisdom of your body in the ways it needs to be supported so that you can create a quality of health where disease cannot exist.
If you are following one or two parts of the Body Chemistry Support System, I know that you are better off, but by not providing your body with the complete support that it needs, it will one day tell on you.
Disease and aging are not necessary! If you listen to your body, it is calling out for you to provide the necessary support that is provided by the Body Chemistry Support System.
Phone Janice (714-485-2299). She will help you to fill in the blank spots in your Body Chemistry Support System.
Keep healthy, happy, and excited!
Dr. Mick Hall
The Body Chemistry Support System (BCSS):
The foundation for all degenerative disease is established in our bodies by the time we reach 20 years of age: this is an alarming fact that must be understood by everyone who would prefer to avoid developing degenerative disease.
· By the age of 20, our intestinal tracts are sluggish and recycling putrefied, acidic waste.
· Since about 70% of our immune system originates in the intestinal tract, our immune systems are compromised, due to the imbalance of the intestinal flora and the toxic condition of the colon.
· From a lifetime use of vegetable oils (knowingly and unknowingly), and a general deficiency of Vitamin C, our arteries have a build up of oxidized arterial plaque, as well as the gallbladder being full of arterial plaque particles and masses. This physical blockage inhibits the liver’s ability to release the waste removed from our blood, reducing the liver’s ability to keep the blood clean.
· The recycling of toxic, acidic waste from the colon, on top of an overwhelmed liver that is incapable of keeping the blood clean, causes the lymphatic system to start stagnating with acidic, cellular waste. This pattern is the foundation of aging and all degenerative disease, and if this foundation doesn’t get corrected, it is just a matter of time until a person develops a degenerative disease.
Rather than treating the hundreds of symptoms that develop as a result of the four issues mentioned above, do you see why the only real solution is to correct these causal problems? It is for this reason that the greatest cure in the world is almost worthless, because a “cure” only removes the end-resulting effect, while all levels of cause remain: guaranteeing that the symptom or the disease will return.
The Body Chemistry Support System was developed as a result of 40 years of dedicated research and development. This System doesn’t treat disease. The BCSS, supports the innate wisdom of the body to accomplish what it is already trying to do: to heal all damages and to normalize all chemistry functions throughout the body. We offer Body Chemistry Support in the form of two BCSS kits and two cleansing kits: The Basic BCSS, The Complete BCSS, The 6-Day Biofilm Cleanse, and The 21-Day Intensive Cleanse.
There are two things every person has to do in order to truly become healthy: every person must reverse a lifetime accumulation of body waste, and create enough energy to heal a lifetime accumulation of body damage. This is the work our programs can assist you in accomplishing. Everyone should begin with the Basic program. As you become proficient with this level, continue on with the Complete BCSS. After feeling comfortable with the Complete BCSS, you should then do a 6-Day Biofilm Flush. After returning to the Complete BCSS for another month, it would be good to repeat the 6-Day Biofilm flush to be sure to clear the biofilms from your intestinal tract that are responsible for H pylori and Candida. From there, doing a 21-Day Intensive Cleanse every 6 months will make sure that you achieve all of your health goals.
Below are the products that make up The Body Chemistry Support System. Dr. Hall has taken nearly 30 years to evolve the formulas for these products to where they are today. The greatest complement we hear from people using our products is: “These formulas work!”
Primagest: Before Meal Digestive Enzyme is the first priority in creating better health. Take 2 Primagest capsules with every meal to enhance your presently compromised digestion. If the meal is mostly cooked, it will be wise to take an extra Primagest. An extra Primagest or two is never wasted, because, if you do happen to take more than is required to complete the digestion of your meal, the balance will move into your blood stream to either help clean your blood, or at the very least, will be converted, and added to your body's metabolic enzyme pool, thereby enhancing your body's life force.
The Baltone Trio needs to be taken twice daily to enhance the intestinal tract's efforts to accomplish three vital, normalizing functions. It needs to be capable of pulling a large volume of water deep into the intestinal tract for lubrication, so fecal waste is more easily transported through this tube. The intestinal tract needs a fiber blend that provides a strong enough structure to be used as a mild scrubbing brush to sweep and clean old waste from this generally stagnated organ; and lastly, this fiber combination needs to have enough volume to allow the muscular sleeve of the intestinal tract to tone and rebuild itself, thereby reducing its circumference by eliminating the volume of waste it holds. The Baltone Trio consists of Baltone (fiber blend), Nutri-Dophilus (friendly bacteria), and Ozonated Magnesium (gently enhance movement)
The Detox Spa is definitely one of the very highest priorities of Body Chemistry Support.
Since the skin is the body's largest organ of elimination, it only makes sense to use it wisely to eliminate as much waste as possible through this organ. Most adults no longer work hard out in the sun producing large volumes of perspiration, and because most adults generally don't engage in sufficient physical activities, the body's natural ability to eliminate large amounts of poison from the blood and lymph is greatly inhibited. Taking two Detox Spa Baths each week will allow your body to release a large amount of toxic metals, chemicals, and acid waste, easing the burden from your liver.
Essential Light Complete The Essential Light is not only a whole-food meal replacement, but it’s the easiest to assimilate multi-Vitamin/Mineral supplement available.
Two tablespoons each day will deliver a concentration of nutrition that would be very difficult to get from diet and normal supplementation. Each serving delivers Pea Protein, Brewer’s Yeast, Amla: Indian Gooseberry (a whole food Vitamin C), Moringa, Rice Solubles, Sunflower Lecithin, Mineral extract from Goat Whey, Kelp, and Horsetail Herbal Extract. To buffer the taste of these concentrated nutrients, we created a flavor blend with D-Ribose, FOS, organic Vanilla, Pineapple, and peppermint, which will also boost your ATP production for cellular energy and enhance your intestinal flora. Each bottle contains 30 servings.
Magnesium Chloride Electro-mins The human body is basically a large organism of water and minerals. 99.85% of the mass of the human body is made up of eleven elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. Although the quantity of magnesium is the least of these eleven major elements, its absence is the most common reason for a long list of human health disorders.
as common as a magnesium deficiency is, basically, every body is also quite deficient of the trace minerals. Magnesium Chloride Electro-mins is a quart bottle of high quality, liquid trace minerals that also provides a month’s supply of Magnesium Chloride.
Omega 3 It is difficult to get enough healthy Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. These Essential Fatty Acids provide great benefits for the whole body, but prioritize brain function and reducing inflammatory patterns throughout the body.
Body Chemistry Support System Kits
Basic Kit retails for $205.85 (20% discount) $164.68
(Consisting of: Primagest, Baltone Trio, Essential Light Complete, 8 Detox spas and 6 tbsp of magnesium hydroxide for gallbladder flushes).
Complete Kit retails for $270.75 (20% discount) $216.60
Consisting of: Primagest, BaltoneTrio, 8 Detox spas,
Essential Light Complete, Omega 3 fish oil, and Magnesium Chloride with electro minerals ).
35 For Life Cleanses:
Six-Day Biofilm Cleanse retails for $87.15 (10% discount) $78.44
(Consisting of: Baltone 11.5oz Trio Plus Mastic gum, Exclzyme 54 caps, 3 detox spa
And erythritol / xylitol mix).
21 Day Intensive Cleanse retails for $514.54 (30% discount) $360.18
(Consisting of: Baltone Trio, Essential Light Complete, Magnesium Chloride, Asparagus Liver and Kidney,
Exclzyme, Parasite tincture, Detox Relief, Magnesium Citrate, Ozonated Magnesium, Primagest,
Omega 3, Xylitol / Erythritol, and 9 Detox spa’s).
Educating yourself is the most important step in truly taking responsibility for your health.
Call Janice for any information about Body chemistry support or to order products 714-485-2299
Keep healthy, happy, and excited!
Dr. Mick Hall
My name is Teresa Perozzi, and I would like to share with you an experience that I had a couple years ago. Just in case you find yourself feeling in need of hope, maybe my own experience can give you that assurance that there is hope for conditions that seem hopeless.
After experiencing a progressive number of uncomfortable symptoms for about 10 years. These were symptoms caused by a gluten intolerance, stress, and adrenal exhaustion. Anyhow, my body came to a screeching halt as far as its ability to heal was concerned. This was two and a half years ago. My brain was foggy and I just felt horrible and didn’t know what to do. I tried managing it with diet and by improving my lifestyle habits, but it still got progressively worse due to my stress levels. I eventually went to a medical doctor to have my blood work done. When the results came back my anti-nuclear antibody levels were off the chart: indicating a connective tissue disease, which was considered an autoimmune condition. My GP immediately referred to a Rheumatologist, as my condition was beyond her expertise. My GP was so concerned about me, but I was more concerned about being put on medications that would only load more toxic chemicals into my body, and thereby cause my condition to worsen in the long run.
Since I don’t really believe in autoimmune diseases, I felt that taking my GP’s advice would lead me down the wrong road. So instead, I wanted to find a way to correct the reason this condition developed in the first place, rather than just treating the symptoms.
I immediately phoned my mother and discussed everything I had just experienced with my Doctor. We discussed several options. Then my mother reminded me of a Naturopathic Doctor in California that we have known for many years. His name is Dr. Mick Hall. My mother told me about the clinic Dr. Hall had in Southern California. A place where I could go for total detoxification. I phoned his office and made arrangements to go immediately.
I was at Dr. Hall’s clinic for 5 days. By the end of day one, my head was clear, and by the end of day five, the pain and reactions to environmental toxins was gone. My body was able to function normally and all of the debilitating issues I was suffering with for so many years were gone. I actually felt rejuvenated.
Obviously, if I came home and didn’t continue following the program I learned from Dr. Hall, I would have re-created all my same symptoms again, but I followed the simple steps Dr. Hall gave me, and I’m happy to say, I have remained