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The Starting Point for Every Health Program
Dr. Mick Hall
If each of us had the opportunity to review the health programs of every health-minded person in this country, I believe we would be surprised to discover more confusion than we ever realized existed in the field of nutrition.
This confusion was created by the focus of the health and disease industry over the past hundred years. So, what has held the focus of the health and disease industry over the past hundred years? Eliminating the symptoms of disease! Then you might ask: “What’s wrong with eliminating our discomforts as quickly as possible?” “Shouldn’t that be our primary goal when we develop a health problem?”
Well, in a world that is regulated by principles, and especially the principle of cause and effect, treating the symptoms of disease, rather than correcting or preventing the causes, should be considered a “fool’s game.”
Most health-minded individuals have been deeply involved, for many years, in this system of medicating symptoms, taking supplements that promise to prevent specific ailments, and following dietary patterns that others have claimed to be the ideal method for providing the nutritional needs of the human body.
Those who have developed the ability to listen to their own bodies have found the way to successfully navigate their way through the hundreds of nutritional philosophies, to find what works best for themselves.
The emphasis on solving our health problems by overcoming our nutritional deficiencies with supplements or reducing the symptoms of disease by altering body chemistry with medical drugs has been driven for decades by big business. Yet at least 90% of our health problems are the result of the accumulated buildup of toxic waste within the body.
The destructive effects of the toxic waste saturating the body and rapidly destroying the blood cells and tissue cells is what also creates a greater demand for more concentrated supplements and nutrition.
As you now see, until a person effectively re-opens the pathways of elimination, and supports the body in eliminating this lifetime accumulation of toxic waste, it isn’t possible to treat or supplement the body into a higher quality of health. This is why the real starting point for every health program must be to re-open the major pathways for elimination. These four pathways are: the intestinal tract, nerve flow from the lower back (to release colon strictures), the skin (largest organ of elimination in the body), and consistently emptying the gallbladder (the liver’s trashcan) into the intestinal tract for elimination. When other priorities are followed ahead of these four, much of that good gets undermined. Yet, when a person consistently prioritizes working on re-opening these four pathways, less treatment and less supplementation is required.
My advice for prioritizing the re-opening of these four pathways is:
1. Take one tablespoon of Baltone blended into 8 ounces of water and 8 ounces of grapefruit juice (or lemonade, or whatever you choose) two or three times every day, along with either magnesium or Fiber Regulator (depending upon personal need for elimination).
2. Every day, use either some form of massage machine or an ice pack (for 15-20 minutes) to decongest the muscles of the lower back. Then, spend about 10 minutes doing some form of rowing exercise to re-tone the muscles of the lower back, thereby restoring nerve flow to the colon to release strictures and allow for complete elimination.
3. Take two Detox Spa baths every week to assist your body in cleaning your bloodstream and lymph, out through your skin.
4. Perform a Gallbladder Flush every two weeks.
If all you did was to consistently follow these four steps, you would be amazed at how much more successful your health program would be. Yet, if you would be willing to just add these four steps to your current health program, it would move you so much faster toward your real health goals.